iX Dev ranked as Top ERP Consultant by DesignRush 2023, in the ERP consulting and implementation category.
We are proud to announce that after a thorough evaluation and review of our previous work, DesignRush has ranked iX Dev among the Top ERP Consultants among their verified service providers.
DesignRush has ranked the top ERP consultants by agency experts based on client reviews, portfolio quality, average rates, team size and more. You can find the most reliable ERP consultants filtered by cost, expertise, location & verified client reviews.
About DesignRush
DesignRush is a business to business marketplace that helps companies find the best agencies with the knowledge, skills, and team members to help grow their business and online presence. DesignRush search the agency landscape and help to find the best partners to help businesses avert going through a long and arduous process of interviewing. DesignRush utilizes a listing platform to help businesses sort and filter the best agencies available. DesignRush looks at and reviews thousands of agencies each year to find the best of the best.
Why iX Dev ranked as TOP ERP Consultant?
iX Dev is proud to have a great professional ERP consulting team who follows the world standards and best practices methodologies like Agile and PRINCE2 to deliver the highest ERP implementation quality, iX Dev ERP delivery team is the best to advise and implement iX ERP to increase return on investment and support customers digital transformation journey.
iX Dev ERP consulting team is involved in every customer implementation, to deploy iX ERP features requested by customers and integrate customers’ systems with iX ERP for seamless operation, also advise customers on best operation practice to get the best out of iX ERP.
iX Dev ERP consulting team is also engaged in several Research and Development projects with leading universities involving latest ERP concepts and technology innovation.