Saudi Arabia eInvoice (e-Invoice) is a country-specific implementation for the tax and VAT integration of electronic invoices managed by Zakat, Tax and Customer Authority of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The Saudi Arabia eInvoice is named “Faroora” or “e-invoice” also named in Arabic “الفاتورة الالكترونية”, you can find details about the integration here
Saudi Arabia eInvoice launched phase 1 for all merchants registered in Saudi Arabia, phase 1 includes the requirements mentioned in this article.
Saudi Arabia eInvoice Requirements Phase 1
- Stop issuing manaual invoices.
- Issue invoices from a compliant invoicing solution.
- Invoices Data should be included in a QR Code.
- The invocing system should be able to archive the invoices with time stamp.
- The invoicing soltion should have a security measures to control user access and to prevent changing of important. elements like time, invoice number and system logs.
- Invoice should include VAT registration number of the buyer, invoice type description.
- Invoice system should be able to protect the invoice againest forging by applying digital encrypted hash.
- Encrypted hash and QR code should be verifiable by scanning or special systems.
iXDev is glad to announce that iXERP is compliant with phase 1 of Saudi Arabia eInvoice integration through working with Saudi local software vendors to satisfy the Zakat, Tax and Customer Authority.
Check the eInvoice guideline here
iXERP as a leading Cloud ERP Solution for SME includes several features which make it easy and simple for businesses to comply with the tax and VAT authority requirements. Below we will list some features that satisfy the Saudi Authority requirements.
- iXERP provide comprehensive security and users control with detailed audit log.
- Easy to issue invoice and archive it for a long time with customer full details.
- Printe invoices with QR Code, Bar Code and Encrypted hash.
- Ability to query the invoices with its full details.
- Ability to reprint the invoice or send it to customer by email.
- Preventing modification or forging Invoice or Credit notes.
To know more about iXERP features and how it can make your business comply with local authority please check the iXERP feature button below.