iX ERP cost centre feature is an application built-in feature and integrated into all iX ERP modules, cost centres feature is considered as multi-dimensions data to view and analyse your data in several dimensions. iX ERP includes two-dimension fields can be used together as permutations and combinations, a hierarchy or parallel to suit any business requirements. Businesses usually implement the dimensions as cost-centres, departments or even projects, although you can use these dimensions freely for any other purpose to achieve your business requirements.
Create Cost Centres
iX ERP makes it very easy to create cost centres or known as dimensions, enter dimension code and name and you may explain its purpose and select whether it will be in level one or level two, after saving this dimension it becomes available in all modules and reports. You can select the desired dimension in screens like sales invoice or sales order, expenses payments and even collections and journal entries. in iX ERP reports and inquiries screens, you will be able to filter your recorded data using these dimensions.
Projects Accounting
Using iX ERP dimensions businesses can track their projects by using project dimension or cost centre in all the project data entries, iX ERP automatically provide the project dimension account balance, using the dimensions levels, businesses can measure project breakdown tasks by assigning the second dimension to the related transactions. iX ERP provides projects profit and loss report and enquiry screen and many other useful reports in every other module like customers, suppliers and inventory.
Dimension Tags
Dimension Tags in iX ERP is one of the creative and innovative ideas we built inside the application and a more in-depth feature to analyse your data, you can create tags and assign them to certain dimensions or cost centres to have more in-depth levels of data analysis. Dimensions and cost centres can be assigned to multiple tags to maximise the probability combinations to be used in the ultimate business’s data-filter and data-analysis for better and more effective decision making support.
Dimensions Inquiries and Reports
iX ERP provide dimensions and cost centres inquiry screens and detailed report to include all kind of transactions that had been assigned to a dimension, and dimension account balance, also by assigning the dimension to a customer or supplier we can get filter the transactions more and more, for example, supplier balance on a certain project or customer sales in a certain branch etc. and there are many other ways we are using dimensions for different purposes, during the implementation our consultants can guide you how you can use these dimensions to suit your business.